Tile Frenzy is a simple yet challenging tile master classic triple matching puzzle game. This tiledom game is suitable for entertaining, relaxing after stressful studying and working hours with tons of challenging well-designed levels.⭐️ You just have to tap on the tiles and match the block tiles to placed in the box to blast them, you can pass the current level when all tiles are matched. Tile Frenzy is the combination of the classic match 3 and mahjong which will surely bring you enough brain teasers and gradually lead you relaxing and entertainments.
Tap on the same tiles on the puzzle board and place into the box to eliminate them. When all the overlapping tiles are removed, the game wins. It is a simple and easy rule but if you have more than seven tiles on the box, the game will fail. Achieve the target as fast as possible to get higher scores and gain more stars. you should be crazy and tap to match tiles quickly.
Each tile board is different and varies from one to the next to choose. Match a pairs of kitchen equipment or kitchenware like as cups, broiler, oven gloves, tray, frying pan, whisk, etc and clear all tiles of the layouts to win.
Much levels with daily update. Different levels of difficulty will meet your needs. We give this game a different flair for every level you play. Each level has no limit time, tap on matching tiles to clear it and unlock new maps one by one. You could use hint to find matching tiles or undo the tile from the box when you getting stuck. Let's successfully pass the level to get rewards.
* Unlimited gameplay, interesting puzzle game with simple rules for all ages.
* So many styles of cute tiles: Fruit , Kitchen, cooking, cake, vegetables , tasty desserts ...
* 30 + skins and themes: Woods, Beaches, Jungle, Water Drop, Sky, Sea, Mountains, Forest, ... Unlocked by Stage!
* Use Hint, shuffle, undo items and powerful boosters to help you beat levels.
* Challenge interesting levels, collect more stars, and unlock more stages.
* Play OFFLINE/FREE anytime, anywhere either on your phone or tablet!
* Most vivid game effect and interesting sound
* It is easy to use relaxing and has great graphics ️
Train your brain, exercise your logical thinking and memory. It is the best time killer for you! Tile Frenzy will improve your problem-solving skills. Have fun while sharpening your brain. ✊This puzzle game will be your next brain teaser.
Challenge your brain and solve the triple match puzzles for free now!
1. انقر فوق زر التنزيل لتنزيل الصفحة.
2. بالنسبة لملف APK العادي، يمكنك تنزيل الملف مباشرةً، أو يمكنك اختيار التنزيل السريع للملف باستخدام برنامج التثبيت الخاص بنا.
3. بالنسبة للملفات الخاصة مثل XAPK أو BAPK، يجب عليك اختيار التنزيل السريع للملف باستخدام برنامج التثبيت الخاص بنا.
4. عند الانتهاء من تنزيل الملف، يجب أن تسمح لهاتفك بتثبيت الملف من مصدر غير معروف.
- Bug fixes and performance improvements.